
Wednesday May 1st, 2002

Good Ideas vs Bad Ideas rally: America's Drug War vs Canada's Drug Peace

The Drug Free America Inc. propaganda machine is rolling into Vansterdam and holding a conference intended to examine Canada's permissive drug policies. Canadian drug policies are a sovereign issue. Protest the International Drug Education Symposium, IDEAS.

Speakers all day! Open Mic!
1pm to 5pm Vancouver & Exhibition Center
No. 200 999 Canada Place

With 5% of the world's population America has over 25% of the world's prisoners. The one time land of the free has now become the #1 prison state, incarcerating more of their own people than any other country in the world! Over 1/2 of those in prison are there on drug charges, 1 in 5 people in US jails are there on marijuana charges (usually simple possession) On May 1st, Lynda Bentall's International Drug Education & Awareness Symposium, sponsored by US anti-drug agencies, promotes the American solution for Canada. Just say "No" to bad I.D.E.A.S.

To find out how you can help with postering, etc for this rally, contact Chris Bennett at

Be there! This is a VERY important rally! Uncle Scam wants your rights!

Friday May 3rd, 2002

Drug War Vigil Video Contest: Contact BCMarijuana Party Bookstore for more information: 604-682-1172

Saturday, May 4th 2002

Over 150 cities around the world! Millennium Marijuana March!

Liberation Day 2pm at the Art Gallery (3pm march to the US Consulate- 1095 W. Pender - music to follow!)

Bring yer buds!
Prizes for best: sign/banner, costume & joke!

No booze
No anger

Help poster: Pick up copies at BCMPHQ 307 W. Hastings 604-682-1172

IDEAS - May 1

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